About Kimmoly
Life Transformation Workshops Bounce Back Recovery Retreats
One-on-One Coaching
Group Coaching
Non-judgemental Support
My Story
Kimmoly K. LaBoo is a highly respected change agent in her community and around the world. She is a published author, international speaker and a certified life coach through Coach Training Alliance, which is an accredited program by the International Coach Federation. She is also a certified instructor and is trained by and associated with organizations such as the Professional Woman Network, Dale Carnegie Institute, the Disney Institute and Les Brown Enterprises, Inc.
After her third failed marriage Kimmoly felt led to create the Christian Divorce Coaching Center. Wanting to provide a safe place for women of Faith to regroup and regain their footing. Being a mentor to teenage girls for over 15 years and interacting with and coaching mom's, Kimmoly saw a lot of the devastation that divorce left behind, whether being the fatherless daughter or the wounded mother. Another thing that resonated with Kimmoly, being a Christian for over 20 years, through her own experiences and from the testimonies of others, was the perceived lack of support from the Christian community surrounding the issue of divorce.
With a wealth of knowledge and experience from helping others through challenging situations over the years and the firsthand experience of overcoming infidelity, illness, emotional and mental abuse, Kimmoly has created a life changing structure to assist women in their recovery. The Christian Divorce Coaching Center is here to provide additional support during one of the most difficult transitions a woman can make in her life.
"Surviving my last marriage proved to be the most difficult challenge for me. It was the first time I'd ever experienced directed anger and cruelty. I wasn't sure what I expected other people to do but I knew I needed help. Trying to find it proved to be an almost impossible task. Being a woman of influence made it even more difficult. Of course I prayed every day. I reached out to my church leadership and even a few close friends. When I would share my experience with them I would often receive a blank stare as they listened in disbelief. The answer I often received was, "I'll pray for you". While that was nice, it hardly seemed sufficient to deal with the pain and agony I was experiencing. I don't know what I expected for them to say, but that wasn't it."
As a Christian Divorce Coach Kimmoly has an enormous level of compassion for women of Faith. She knows the struggle of being a Christian woman with a desire to please God, yet facing the negative stigma that comes with the issue of divorce in the Christian community. She understands that women need a safe place to fall where they will not be judged or condemned.
Kimmoly's desire is to change the stigma associated with divorce in the Christian community. She wants to assist women in balancing the roller coaster of emotions bringing clarity and focus to their next steps, encouraging them through the process, while keeping their character and self-esteem intact.